My Big Dream for 2026:
The Laptop is my tool and God is my word (Holy code).
I created and helped to create 100 sites (HTML, CSS, JS) with 100,000,000 views and 1,000,000 active users.
Sites work for people even when I sleep or dead (24/7/366 with reliability 99.999% of the time avg per year). I work-Online.
I'm Senior FullStack Dev making 6000 USD/month netto.
I'm a part of a big company, leading a big team, that won a big project and succeed!
Important to me:
- Ground = mother-nature, all things (BTS/eNodeB, 5G) are connected to it.
- Tree = time & action order (high-valued priorities are at the :root).
To realize the dream, I need:
- a. Time: 5 years to implement.
- b. Cash: 1000 USD/month for life to start.
- c. Education: HTML, CSS, JS to the point, when I can provide value for other people.